Love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image... otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. ~Author Unknown

Thursday, July 21, 2011

    From a wedding ceremony: "Nothing is easier than saying words and nothing harder than living them day after day. What you promise today must be renewed and re-decided tomorrow. At the end of this ceremony legally you will be man and wife, but you still must decide each day that stretches out before you, that you WANT to be married.
    Real love is something beyond the warmth and glow . . . beyond the excitement and romance of being deeply in love. It is caring as much about the welfare and happiness
of your marriage partner as about your own. But real love is not total absorption in each other; it is looking outward in the same direction -- together.
    Love makes burdens lighter, because you divide them. It makes joys more intense because you share them. It makes you stronger so you can reach out and become involved with life in ways you dared not risk alone."

I almost asked Brother Cullins to say this in our wedding ceremony.  {Yes, Don and I got married on June 11th in what was to us one of the most fun, glorious, meaningful weddings we could have dreamed of.} 

Sometimes I grew weary of people teasing and asking if we had 'lost our minds to get married again'.  If only they new just how serious we took it!  

This is my Blog so I will only speak for myself.... but it was such a deep serious decision. I did not go into this marriage with rose-colored glasses thinking we were different, or that we will not have problems to solve, or that it will be a fairy-tale marriage.  However, I feel we both did go into this marriage with total Commitment.  When I said I'd marry him, there were no thoughts of "well if this does not work out", because I personally believe that is accepting 'doom' before the marriage even begins.  I know we have learned a lot from our pasts, and will do whatever it takes to make this a successful marriage.

I won't bore you with ramblings of how much I love this man, or how wonderful I think he is, or how much fun we have just doing day-to-day things.  But since we've only been married 6 weeks I will tell you I'm happier than I have been in a very very long time, and very content with life.  As the words from the ceremony above said, every day I wake up and "re-commit that I WANT to be married to this man". 

In my poem/vow I read to him on our wedding day I said, "If I did not LOVE you, I would still want You to be My best friend."  I married my best friend on June 11th, and I pray for our marriage, lives and commitment to each other every single day... several times!! 

{In future weeks I will post other thoughts and views, or experiences I have about life and marriage.... thus I changed the name of my Blog to just that.  I hope you enjoy my new direction in life.}

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